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Payments, Refunds and Cancellations Policy

Effective Date: August 2, 2018

Last Updated: August 2, 2018

Duck Soup Software’s services may be available to you with or without charge. Access to certain features, functions, and/or full or partial portions of the service may require payment. You may also be provided "trial", "demo", "beta" or other limited-functionality or limited-access versions of the service and/or its parts with or without charge. In addition to any fees required to access certain features, capabilities, functions or services offered through or by the service, you are responsible for paying all applicable taxes (including, but not limited to those we are not required to collect) and for all third party hardware, software, service and/or other costs you may incur in order to access the Service and your account. Neither these TOS nor your account entitle you to any subsequent releases of the Services, nor to any for-pay features, products, capabilities, features, upgrades or services offered, distributed or made available through the Service without paying applicable charges or except as otherwise expressly and explicitly provided by Duck Soup Software. You must have authorized and separate service access for each account you wish it to be enabled for and, where applicable, you must download and install any necessary software on each machine on which you wish to use and access the service.

You may terminate your account at any time. Full or partial refunds will not be given for subscription periods that you have purchased. Subscription cancellations do not incur any additional fees or charges.